And Lo, There Was The Law of Attraction?

This is just a P.S. from the previous post…

The LoA was a term that existed before Esther began to use it but the references to other laws of the universe was and is a fluid reference that Esther I think began to use variously after Jerry died in 2011 possibly when she felt the need to emphasise the truth of what Abraham was saying without Jerry’s presence always nearby as potential backup. As far as I recall there has never been a list drawn up of universal laws – it would surely be seen to reflect the 10 commandments. Nor has there been a definition of the universe, as far as I can remember. The use of the reference to the LoA at the end of the last post was highlighting that Esther had attracted all her words to her due to who she is, as can be seen in her birth chart.

Esther might like the idea of ‘law’ to solidify what is within her that does not feel solid enough like the Pisces sun – it is part of the Capricorn and 10th house vibration which is dominant. I think it would feel good to her if conventional society and the status quo would come to accept her laws of the universe. I remember that the art of allowing was at first the law of allowing (or was it the science of allowing?) but she saw fit, possibly due to Jerry’s intervention, to change it. The higher the authority Esther can draw on the more secure she seems to feel hence the name ‘Abraham’ which she gave to what many refer to as an inner guidance in the singular, but Esther combining Jupiter excess with Capricornian correctness enjoys a whole stream of guidance multiplying the weight behind her authority.

It is this kind of dynamic that is up for review in Esther’s life at present with Pluto and Saturn conjunct her moon and square Venus for the rest of the year and into next. She will be revising what she feels happy with changing, or accepting as change.

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